/ January 17, 2024/ Anthroposophy, Blog

On Current Events...

I don’t know about you, but the multiple genocides happening at the moment is one of the main things that occupies my mind as of lately. I cannot go back to living my normal life knowing and having seen people and innocents being killed through my phone on a daily basis.

I know there’s always been violence. It is not new. However, I am now awake and I no longer want to support genocide with my actions.

I’m trying to research everything that I buy, where I buy it from, buy it from a local business as much as possible. I don’t go to protests personally, but I do post on social media to raise awareness on Congo, Sudan, Palestine…

On Social Media...

I’ve also been paying a lot of attention to how I use my social media. I think of it as switching on a light in a very dark room with rotten shit. By switching on that light, the rotten gets healed, or at least seen by people and they can take their part and clean it up.

Of course there are people that won’t ever acknowledge it or do anything about it… But at least I am doing my part. At the same time, I don’t think it’s healthy for anyone to continuously talk about this and nothing else. Mentally, it can take a toll to watch graphic image and graphic news at all times of the day. However, I can’t go back to memes for funsies and laughs.

multitud en protesta por palestina

On Taking Action...

I think it’s equally important to make a plan so that this doesn’t just end here. This movement and this change can actually make an impact in our future as humanity but only if we are willing to do the work.

How could we, as a society,

transition to a better lifestyle

that doesn’t hurt and kill indigenous communities?

Another thing that’s been on my mind is the amount of people that I am letting go. I have noticed that they’re not willing to do the work that I’m doing, which is fine. But that means that our path is no longer going to be together. Whether you are a friend, family, partner, even jobs… I can’t go back to the way things were. I can’t unsee the rotten part of the system.

It used to be newspapers or the TV that told us what was going on. But now that we have mobile phones, that show us what people are experiencing from a first person point of view. How can you turn your back to those people that are choosing to share those instances? This world seems so technological and so “advanced“ in certain ways… We can get coverage on a genocide in the other side of the world, yet we cannot connect on a basic human way.

On Anthroposophy...

This leads me to share with you that I came across a Mexican artist who also does YouTube videos and podcasts: Lorena Barrera. Her channel is called the philosophical witch in Spanish. I had all my spiritual knowledge in a box, and then this information helped me put it into a bookcase with shelves and in alphabetical order. Not only that, but helped strengthen my discernment in terms of what resonates and what doesn’t. In this information period, I think it’s important to share it.

She has a lot of videos on her YouTube channel, but the playlist that helped me the most was the one about anthroposophy. I find it interesting because it’s very inclusive of all the different cultural aspects from different spiritual practices all around the world.

This is a very short summary of the philosophy, but I will continue to share from Lorena’s point of view as well as adding my own impressions or opinions.

In this cosmo vision, there are seven spheres.

Or seven dimensions.

Or the seven planets

Or the seven chakras.

The middle one is Earth, that’s where we are.

If you see it in a chronological way, we start from Saturn, Sun, and the Moon.

Saturn is also time, or Chronos. Then the sun and then the moon, the masculine and the feminine.

This philosophy teaches us to go through the first three chakras, then reach the heart, purify it, continue elevating through the next three chakras, go back to your heart chakra and then put your light or your energy into service for humanity.

Then there’s the concept of turning positive of or turning negative.

Everything in this life has polarity, there’s feminine and masculine in everything, ying and yang, white and black. That comes from the Universal Laws.

The purpose of us being here on Earth is to balance all those energies so that, again, your light can shine through and be in service to all.

There is another sphere that I’ve seen more and more people talk about it. It’s called the 8th sphere and it’s basically transhumanism. This refers to the moment when human and machine eventually become one. This paints a very dystopic, in my opinion, world, in which humans are very disconnected from Earth and from nature. If you look at the world today, you see Bill Gates, Musk, Zuckerberg… Plus, science being a whole religion…

It’s like taking the soul out humans, and I think this is why these genocides are going on right now. You cannot have indigenous people telling you how to heal yourself, how to ascend, how to meditate, how to be in touch with the land, and also having the whole Medical Complex and Science telling you that you don’t need any of that hippie shit.

Picture on the planes of existence according to anthroposophy

So Where Do You Go From Here?

This dystopia is why I’m focusing on deconstructing myself and the ways I’ve been thinking so that I can continue to build together with other people, with the same mindset, a new world where everyone is included and where we are still in touch with Mother Earth and our humanity.

This is what a lot of spiritual people are talking about; new earth and old earth. This philosophy teaches it but in a more complete way, in my opinion, so that’s why I wanted to share it with you and will continue to do so right here.

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